Konzert: Dusha Connection - LIVE
20.11.2022, 19:15
freier Eintritt
Facebook Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/650412743306540
English text below
… Das Wiener Ensemble Dusha Connection interpretiert musikalisch feinsinnig die zum Teil vergessenen volkstümlichen Weisen unseres Kulturraums mit eigenwilligen, sensiblen bis
wilden akustischen Arrangements in einer zeitgenössischen Jazz-Sprache und dies – im Jazz bislang recht ungewöhnlich - oftmals in den originären ungeraden Rhythmen.
Wunderbarer Jazzklang zwischen lässiger Verspieltheit und viel Gefühl, der sich aus
verschiedenen anderen Musiken nährt. …
MICA – music austria, 2020
Urs Hager – Klavier
Clemens Rofner – Kontrabass
Esad Halilovic – Schlagzeug, Komposition und Arranger
Die Musik von Dusha Connection Jazz Trio steht in seinem akustisch- instrumentalen und unverfälschten Sound in einem Spannungsverhältnis zwischen archetypischen Balkancharakteren und modernen, jazzigen Klangwelten.
Diese Veranstaltung wird freundlicherweise durch die Kulturkommission der Bezirksvorstehung Leopoldstadt gefördert.
Dusha Connection
20.11.2022, 19:15
Free entrance
The three instrumentalists are pulling off an effervescent and sparkling performance that casts a spell over the listener; ever open-minded, they inimitably combine the most diverse musical topics whilst drawing from the broad stock of jazz history. Playing with all kinds of styles and never forgetting their respective– Balkan – roots, they follow the composed piece as well as leaving room for artful improvisations.
The sound created by Esad Halilovic and his partners is full of thrilling melodies, boldly virtuoso solos, surprise twists and breaks, unconventional experiments and electrifying build-ups. The mood pendulum swings between loud and muted, intimate and exotic, the mysterious - and outrageous nonchalance.
The trio has sparked great attention with its first album MERAK.
The CD presentation was in the renowned jazz club Porgy & Bess in Vienna and subsequently they performed at some well-known jazz festivals (such as Jazz Plaza International Festival of Havana, RARA Festival in Italy, One Jazz Festival in Romania, Petrovac Jazz Fest and Jazz by Merceg Novi in Montenegro, Hongkong Jazz Festival, Beishan Jazz Festival in China.......).
Michael Ternai, Music Austria Export
Urs Hager - piano
Clemens Rofner- bass
Esad Halilovic – drums
This event is kindly sponsored by the Culture Commission of the Leopoldstadt district administration.